
Friday, May 6, 2011

5th Lesson: Adjective

Adjectives are words that modifies a noun or pronoun. It gives further information or attributes about the noun/pronoun.This is a fat car.

Ali is the tall guy while Abu is short one.What a neat office.
That black phone is mine.The red house on the cliff is beautiful.Now, try to describe these pictures.

4th lesson: Preposition

Prepositions is a word that relates words in a sentence. There are a few types of preposition:
  • Direction
  • Time
  • Place
  • Cause
  • Manner
  • Amount

However, in this lesson, I will only focus on Preposition of Direction, Time and Place.

Preposition of Direction express movement toward something. It consists of to, onto and into.
  • to = the goal or destination is physical.
  • onto = the goal is a surface
  • into = the goal is the inner part of things.
For example:
  • We are going to Paris.
  • Lina will be coming to my house.
  • He leaped onto the table.
  • The fish was washed up onto the the surface.
  • Put your clothes into the basket.
  • You will get into a big trouble if you do so.

Preposition of Time shows at what time will something occur. It consists of at, in and on.
  • at = shows specific time.
  • in = shows months, years, centuries, and a long period.
  • on = shows dates and days.
For example:
  • The show will start at 3.00pm today.
  • I will be at the faculty at 8.00am.
  • I was born in February.
  • PC Fair will take place in June next year.
  • Your submission date is on Friday.
  • We wont be having classes on Saturday anymore.

Preposition of Place will be used when we want to show the location of things. It consists of at, in and on.
  • at = to show exact location.
  • in = to show enclosed space.
  • on = to show the surface.
For example:
  • I will be waiting you at the bus stop near your house.
  • He is looking for the missing coin at the junction.
  • I am doing my work in my room.
  • He is doing his research in the library.
  • Please hang the picture on the wall.
  • The sticker on the cover is confusing.

Now, try to complete these sentences.

3rd lesson: Verb

Lets start this lesson by watching this video...

So, have you watched the video? What is Verb? Verb can simply be put as an action.

There are two types of verbs:
  1. Main Verbs
  2. Helping Verbs

Main Verbs

Main Verbs are verbs that carry a meaning with it. For example:
  • I eat
  • He teaches
  • Earth rotates
There are another two types of Main Verbs:
  1. Linking/Lexical Verbs
  2. Regular and Irregular Verbs
Linking Verbs or Lexical Verbs are verbs that link a subject to what is said about the subject. For example:
Regular Verbs are verbs that does not changed when used in Present Tense, Past Tense or Past Participle. They will end with -ed. For example:
  • smile > smiled > smiled
  • snow > snowed > snowed
  • smell > smelled > smelled
  • stir > stirred > stirred
Here are more example of Regular Verbs.
Irregular Verbs in another hand, will change when used in Past Tense or Past Participle. the ending wont be the same and the word might change. For example:
  • eat > ate > eaten
  • begin > began > begun
  • buy > bought > bought
  • see > saw > seen
Here are more example of Irregular Verbs.

Helping Verbs.

Helping Verbs are also called Auxiliary Verbs. They are necessary in a sentence, but they do not carry much meaning with them. There are a few types of Helping Verbs as well. They are:
  • Main Helping Verbs
  • Modal Verbs
Main Helping Verbs consist of verb be (am, is and are), have (have and has), and do (do and does). This type of verbs can also function as Main Verbs in certain cases.

We will use
be as a Helping Verbs when:
  • We are making Continuous Tense (He is watching anime).
  • We are making Passive Sentence (The frog are eaten by the snake).
We will use have as a Helping Verbs when:
  • We are making Perfect Tense (I have finished my blog).
We will use do as a Helping Verbs when:
  • We are making Negative sentence (He does not like you).
  • We are asking question (Do you like him?).
  • We are emphasizing (I do like you)
Modal Verbs are verbs that modify the possibility of the verb used. There are ten modal verbs and each modal verbs carries different possibility. To make it easier for you to understand, here is a chart that i found while surfing the internet.

might < may < can = could < shall = should < ought to < must < will = would

This is what i can conclude from the table in term of the possibility.

Now, since u have done reading, how about I test your understanding. Have fun. :)


2nd lesson: Nouns

First of all, I would like to recall what are nouns. Nouns according to Longman English Dictionary Online are a word or group of words that represent a person (such as 'Michael', 'teacher' or 'police officer'), a place (such as 'France' or 'school'), a thing or activity (such as 'coffee' or 'football'), or a quality or idea (such as 'danger' or 'happiness'). In simpler words, it is a name given to person, place, thing, activity, or situation.

However, there are a few types of nouns. They are:
  • Common nouns
  • Proper nouns
  • Abstract nouns
  • Concrete nouns
  • Collective nouns
  • Countable/non-countable nouns

Common Nouns are general name given to people (ie: man), things (ie: shoes) and places (ie: shopping mall).
Proper Nouns are specific names given to people (ie: Mark), things
(ie: Platform Shoes), and places (ie: Pavillion).
Abstract Nouns are name given to things that we can not see but we can think of it
(ie: God, friendship)
Concrete Nouns are nouns that we can touch, see, hear, taste and feel (ie: brick, table)
Collective Nouns are name given to group of things
(ie: flock of birds)
Countable and non-Countable Nouns are nouns that we can count
(ie: boxes, bottles) and nouns that we can not count (ie: sand, smoke)

Now, try these exercises:
Common nouns

Here is a video for you guys for a recap. :)